Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Society are holding their annual rally on Saturday, 1st March 2025 at:

Hillsborough Village Centre,
7 Ballynahinch Road,
BT26 6AR

Doors open at 10:30 and the rally finishes at 13:00. Entrance fee £5.00, including free entry in prize draw. Please hold on to your ticket to participate in the draw.

If you would like to book a table at the rally, email

Traders Attending (TBC)

P&D Peter Mi0CIB – Radios, Antenna, Cable, Connectors and accessories. (Confirmed)

Billy Goat Stuff Alan Gi7GSB – Radio and electronic sundry. (Confirmed)

Dave Gi4XIR – Radio and electronic sundry. (Confirmed)

Brian Gi4KEQ – Test equipment. (Confirmed)

Harry Gi4JTF & Richard Gi4DOH – QSL cards. (Confirmed)

Micheal MI0HOZ RSGB – Meet your regional and district representatives. John GI4BWM, RSGB President will also be in attendance.

Eddie Gi7FHZ – RAYNET information stand. (Confirmed)

Bring & Buy – Sell that bit of equipment that has been sitting on the shelf or pick up a bargain.

Ester Gi0AZA & Ian Gi0AZB – Worked All Britain (WAB) (Confirmed)

The Worked All Britain Awards Group (W.A.B.) was devised by the late John Morris G3ABG in 1969. This was to promote an interest in Amateur Radio in Britain and to sponsor a series of awards based on the geography of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Since its inception, W.A.B. has grown through the voluntary efforts of many individuals. W.A.B. has many aims and has the motto “To assist others”.

W.A.B. aims to create more activity on the air by British amateurs and in doing so create friendships within the country and overseas. It is true to say that many lasting friendships have arisen through W.A.B. activity.

W.A.B. aims to improve and expand geographical knowledge of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Channel Isles. Indeed the W.A.B. programme has encouraged many people to travel to the more remote parts of the country. At the same time it has encouraged overseas interest and encouraged many people to visit Britain and have hospitality extended to them by British amateurs.

Information regarding the awards will be available on the day as well as the opportunity to buy various items, log books both mobile and home based, book numbers and pen drives holding lots of information on WAB.